Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So you want one of those siggies like the cool kids have?

Well, I can let you in on a little secret, actually two :)

1.) I know how and where you can get one
2.) I know how to get it set up so you can link your blog, FB, galleries and anything else to it

Cool, right??

So here is the scoop - I just happen to be on the creative team for Anna at Scrap-A-Holic Designs and besides having super cool templates for layouts, she's got super cool siggie templates! Check them out:

Pretty awesome, huh? Doesn't get easier than this! You can grab them HERE.

Once you grab them, head on over to the DigiRidoo forum and see Marianne's post to learn how to link your new siggie to all the places you want people to see like your blog, your gallery and your Facebook.

As my kids would say, you'll be "too cool for school" now ;)

I'd love to see your new siggies so please link me to them so I can check them out - have a great day!!


  1. Hey Suzy, Katharyn here from Brine Design - You've won the Passionflower collab, so email me and I'll send you a coupon code katharyn.brine@gmail.com

    Hey, I didn't know you CT'd at Digiridoo - I used to be there too!!

  2. Hi Suzy,

    Now I see, you are a give away girl LOL ;)

    Thanks for visit my blog and your very nice compliments! I didn't know you have a blog so I go follow you! This day I wasn't at zigzag, when I go I'l pick your PM, oke?

    Have a nice day!

    Marleen xoxox
